
Employee Rewards

A customised reward and recognition strategy will support and reinforce your company goals, values and vision. We believe that staff should work in an environment where they are both valued and where exceptional performance is recognised. Such an environment provides greater job satisfaction, increased staff motivation and improve retention rates


Competition Management

We are a one stop shop for all things competition related, and deliver unforgettable prize packages and winner services. We source specific and personalised prize packages, provide amazing prize recommendations, handle all your winner fulfilment needs, and manage prize storage and dispatching logistics. Rest assured while we treat all winners like the VIPs that they are


Incentive Travel

We are experts in creating unforgettable travel incentives around the world. Packages can be used to incentivise and reward top performing employees, entice purchases and competition entries, or reward loyal clients. Whether you are looking for a luxury weekend away or an exclusive overseas package, we tailor everything to your specific requirements.  Simply put, we take the hassle out of making luxurious dreams come true


The Brief

What would you like to achieve, do you want to: recognise and reward employees, engage with consumers, or incentivise your sales channels? The more information you provide the more accurately we can tailor your incentive scheme or promotion.

The creative

Once we have agreed on the campaign, we design the staff incentive programme, the social media campaign, or the competition promotion, as well as the operations and mechanics that go along with them.

The Operations

The fun part; this is where we handle all travel arrangements, send out all communications, reward employees, contact winners and assist with all their booking requirements or send them their prizes. What are you waiting for - provide your brief today!

Mount Kilimanjaro

Mount Kilimanjaro Travel

Mount Kilimanjaro

Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa and fourth highest of the Seven Summits, is considered the tallest freestanding mountain in the world, rising 15,100 feet from base to summit. Mount Kilimanjaro, with its three volcanic cones, Kibo, Mawenzi and Shira, is a dormant volcanic mountain and one of the world's most accessible high summits, a beacon for visitors from around the world. The best time to visit Kilimanjaro would be from December to February during its clearest and warmest conditions.


4x4 transfer to the Londorossi Gate.
Start your trek towards Mount Kibo through the rainforest.
Lunch and Dinner included on your walk and accommodation at the camp
Ascend through the rainforest
Lunch in a beautiful valley just outside of the Shira Crater before crossing into the Shira Caldera, a high altitude desert plateau that is rarely visited
This camp is nestled on a ridge with stunning views of Kilimanjaro
You rise at 11pm and have a light snack before a 7 hour trek up rocky trails under torchlight to ultimately reach the crater rim at 5700m.
You continue up the remaining 185m to gain the summit at around 8.30 am - an exhilarating achievement that will be with you for the rest of your life!
You descend to a safe altitude of 4600m for a short rest and lunch before reaching the last camp on the mountain in the forest for supper.
All meals included

Tags: Travel Incentives

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